Maximize Security Control with a Convenient Card Access System from Metro Alarm & Lock
It’s never been easier to prevent unauthorized entry while allowing the free flow of people who have a legitimate purpose for entry. Metro Alarm & Locks card access/door access control system permits safe and secure access for authorized personnel. We offer systems that range from an electronic keypad for a single door to networked systems for multiple buildings.
A card access system is a popular option in commercial access control and provides many benefits, including:
- Employee safety
- No lost keys
- No securing keys from terminated employees
- No key duplication
- Accurate access history reports
- Remote access control
- Completely customizable
- Saves money
Access control systems are great for:
- Entry doors
- Employee/student entrances
- Server rooms
- Confidential records storage
- Parking garages
- Material and supply storage
- Controlled substances storage
- Authentication for government and regulated facilities
Uncompromising security and incomparable convenience
Metro Alarm & Lock offers a wide range of access control systems including:
- Security access systems activated with cards that have a magnetic stripe, much like an ATM or debit card.
- Biometric
- Proximity cards, the most common option, are activated one inch to three feet from a reader. Because there is no contact between the card and reader, proximity cards are more reliable and suffer less wear and tear.
- Automobile tags, a type of proximity card that is useful in on-site parking facilities, allow access to parking areas without requiring the driver to open the window or leave the car. Automobile tags work up to hundreds of feet away from the sensor, providing a greater security for the driver and less need for additional personnel interaction.
As with all card access systems, convenience is second only to security. A card access system from Metro Alarm & Lock is easy to manage. Changes can be made promptly and easily, adding or deleting employees from the system as needed. This eliminates the need to re-key areas or entire buildings as employee turnover occurs. And changing times, authorizations and other systems details is equally swift and easy.
Card Access System Monitoring
Our remote access programming allows for greater manageability as well as higher security. With a card access system from Metro Alarm & Lock, you can collect and report data on time and attendance, visitor entry, employee movement, and vehicle access. Your access control system also can be integrated with all other components of your organization’s security systems into one cohesive program.
And of course, Metro Alarm & Lock offers full, 24/7 monitoring and management services from our own dedicated monitoring station.
Whatever your card access application, Metro Alarm & Lock will monitor and remote manage your system to insure full service operations and security.
Click to learn more about our monitoring services…
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